Board of Directors HERO

Notice of AGM

Annual General Meeting announced

We will be holding our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday 27 July 2023 at 6:30pm.

Notice is herby given that the twenty fourth Annual General Meeting of Sussex County Football Association Limited will be held online once again via the Microsoft Teams platform for the transaction of the Ordinary Business of the Company. An Agenda of which accompanies this Notice.

All Members and Associate Members are invited to attend. Affiliated Associations, Competitions and Clubs are entitled to send two representatives to the meeting but only have one vote thereat.

Please complete the Attendance Form via the link below to indicate that you wish to attend the AGM, you will receive a link to join the meeting in due course.

Please find attached below the AGM Notice which includes the agenda, Proxy Voting Card and Full Signed Accounts.

For further information about the AGM please contact:

Sussex County FA
T: 01903 753547