Safeguarding Comic

Safeguarding Comic Launched

New safeguarding comic to engage more children to open up

We are delighted to announce that we have launched a new safeguarding comic to encourage children and young people to talk to a trusted adult when they have worries and to help them feel comfortable to report concerns.

In the past, it has been the case that children have not known who to talk to when they have been worried or frightened and often they have felt that their concerns would not be listened to or taken seriously. We believe it is crucial that children know where to go, that they will be listened to and that they are given the confidence to come forward.

Our aim with the comic is to engage with young people and promote the key message of not holding onto what is worrying them but talking to an adult that they trust. We want all children to know that there is always help should they need it.

Sandra Redhead, our Safeguarding Manager, said: “It is important to us that we get the message across to young people that if they have concerns, if something doesn’t feel right, if they are feeling scared, if they see or they are being asked to do things that make them feel uncomfortable, that they know where they can go and most importantly, they will be listened to.

“Child welfare is at the forefront of everything we do and for a while now, we have wanted to do more to ensure children feel they are comfortable to open up. We believe that the comic is a powerful resource that will help with this and is something that children can connect with.”

Furthermore, our Chairman, Mathew Major, added: “We want to reach out to as many young people as we can, and use every medium to communicate this key Safeguarding message.

“Great care was taken with the artwork for the comic, and I think it shows, but it is the message behind the pictures that is so important, and this is what we want young readers to take away with them.”

The new safeguarding comic is available to view above and can also be downloaded below. It will be sent out to our relevant clubs to circulate amongst their young players and volunteers. 

We would like to thank Sports Star Books for producing this high quality publication for us.

For more information about the comic please contact:

T: 01903 768578