Build To Last

The FA Charter Standard. Built to last.

Built to last Campaign Launch

The FA Charter Standard programme exists to positively improve people’s football experience through league and club accreditation. The FA embarks on a journey to grow, develop and support a collaborative and sustainable club and league network which unites communities by providing opportunities FOR ALL.

The FA has a clear vision to educate, empower, enable and equip leagues and clubs to ‘be the best places for people to play and enjoy football’.

It recognises and rewards leagues and clubs who own their game. Those who play their part in making their football environment safe, fun and inclusive; by raising standards, raising awareness and taking action, making accreditation worthwhile to be part of. 

The FA Charter Standard accreditation is built to last.

Be the best
The FA Charter Standard programme wants you to be the best place for your football community to play and enjoy football.  Whether you’re a league or a club it promotes your commitment and dedication and ensures you will be around for seasons to come.

Becoming accredited is a simple process supported by our dedicated County FA officers who are local experts in clubs and leagues development. As a team we ensure your ambitions are achievable with accreditation at the centre of all you do.

The criteria means you commit to providing the best on-pitch environment by getting relevant people qualified. This ensures you are structured to achieve your goals and are built to last.

Due to the impact of COVID-19 on the game and our ability to deliver face to face education, we have introduced an interim criteria for the 2020/21 season. For more information please navigate to the end of this article.

Alternatively, please visit our FA Charter Standard page for more information.

Stay the best
For the 2020/21 season we have decided to extend all FA Charter Standard accredited clubs who either renewed their accreditation as part of the 2019/20 annual health check process or for those clubs who became a newly accredited club during the 2019/20 season.

There will be no annual health check process for the 2020/21 season. During October we will move accredited club’s renewal date forward to the 2021/22 season. We recognise the reason accredited clubs are the best places to play and enjoy the game is because of the criteria you adhere to and satisfy season on season, even raising standards where possible. Therefore, we have introduced an interim criteria to support your clubs to make sure the relevant individuals can still educate and equip themselves to provide a safe, fun and inclusive environment for all to enjoy.

Interim FA Charter Standard club accreditation criteria 2020/21
For the 2020/21 season interim requirements for The FA Charter Standard club accreditation criteria (coaching, first aid and safeguarding) have been introduced as COVID-19 has impacted on The FA’s and County FA’s ability to offer face to face education.

Whilst long term plans are being made to offer alternative, sustainable delivery models it is necessary to make temporary changes. These apply for new and existing FA Charter Standard accredited clubs.

We encourage all clubs to explore the opportunity to become FA Charter Standard accredited.  We want them to qualify the relevant individuals to make the on-pitch environment a safe place and put in place the policies and documents off-pitch to make sure they are built to last. When the time comes there will be an expectation and commitment for all accredited clubs to get back to, maintain or raise the standards and requirements that make The FA’s kitemark accreditation programme PROUD to be the best.

Please see the documents below to view the interim criteria for 2020-21. 

For more information on The FA Charter Standard accreditation, please contact:

Charter Standard
T: 01903 753547