
Tell us - We'll tackle it

Reporting discrimination within grassroots football

The FA has today launched a campaign to encourage all participants and spectators to report any acts of discrimination that they witness within grassroots football.

Tell Us, We’ll Tackle will be rolled out by every County FA across the country and is designed to put further emphasis on the importance of reporting incidents of discrimination, reassuring people that it makes a tangible difference and that the updated process is simple and effective. 

The FA has also created a video to outline its zero-tolerance approach, reiterating that there’s no place for discrimination in football, whether it’s online, in training, on the pitch or on the sidelines.

Tell us - We'll Tackle it: Reporting Discrimination Within Grassroots Football
The FA has launched a campaign to encourage all participants and spectators to report any acts of discrimination that they witness within grassroots football.

The updated reporting process and website means all completed online forms will be sent directly to the relevant FA and County FA staff so they can begin any investigation process immediately. It also includes clarity on the process and FAQs to assist with any further queries.

Our Chief Executive, Ken Benham, said: “Tackling discrimination is a top priority for us and it’s completely essential that any spectators or participants who have witnessed or think they have been subject to, discriminatory abuse to report it to us. By doing so, we can make sure a full investigation takes place.”

For more information on how we Tackle Discrimination please contact:

Football Services
T: 01903 753547
E: Info@SussexFA.com