Parents in Sport Week
Sports clubs are encouraged to emphasise their efforts from 7-13 October to underline a positive, sporting environment.
Through Parents in Sport Week we, along with the NSPCC, are helping to change the conversation and remind everyone of the important and extremely valuable contribution parent’s play but only if they are engaged appropriately
The Sports Parents Promise
• I promise to make sure the club we choose together is safe and fun
• I promise to listen to you if you have any concerns about your sport
• I promise to make sure that I always support you and your teammates in a positive way
Everyone has witnessed the event of an ‘over-involved’ or ‘pushy’ parents which subsequently can affect a children’s experience.
We hope, with Sports Parents Promise, it will highlight the essential role parents have to a child’s enjoyment and success in playing sport.
For further information about Parents in Sport Week please contact:
Child Protection in Sport Unit