Walking Football

Walking Football Festival in aid of Cancer Research

Football Fundraiser for the Bobby Moore Fund

On Saturday 10 August 2019 the plan was to host a Walking Football Festival here at Culver Road in aid of Cancer Research UK and the Bobby Moore Fund, unfortunately this has had to be cancelled. 

Cancer Research’s goal is for survival in the UK to be amongst the best in the world. The ambition is to see three-quarters of people surviving the disease within the next 20 years. 

After dying at the age of just 51, Bobby Moore’s wife Stephanie, along with Cancer Research UK, setup the Bobby Moore Fund as a restricted fund of Cancer Research UK to fund pioneering bowel cancer research. 

Thanks to the generosity of supporters since Bobby’s death, over £27 million has been raised. Sadly, however, the disease still kills 44 people in the UK every day. 

We are hosting a Walking Football Festival to help raise more money to that total and contribute to the amazing research that is being conducted. 

For further information about Walking Football in Sussex please contact our Development team: 

T: 01903 766855
E: Development@SussexFA.com