Inclusion Advisory Group Member Vacancies
We are looking for two more committed and passionate individuals with a variety of backgrounds, experiences and perspective to help guide and drive English Football’s Pursuit of Progress agenda forward.
In 2016 we were awarded the Foundation Level status of the UK National Equality Standard for Sport.
The purpose of the Inclusion Advisory Group (IAG) will be to provide advice, guidance, make recommendations to our Board on all equality and inclusion matters, and comment on any oversights in relation to our delivery/action plan. This will be conducted through a “Check and Challenge” approach. The IAG will also be represented at Equality and Inclusion Projects across Sussex.
The Inclusion Advisory Group will meet up to five times each season, normally to be held at our offices, to support us and will formulate an Inclusion Action Plan. In the future the Group will look to achieve Preliminary status for the National Equality Standard in Sport. The Group will lead a pivotal role in delivering the Inclusion Action Plan as well as challenging and overseeing its outcomes
Individuals appointed to the Group will require the appropriate skills, knowledge and experience to have a positive and meaningful impact. Please note that the posts are voluntary roles only (no salary / remuneration is involved but travelling expenses will be reimbursed in accordance with our policy).
We are committed to equality of opportunity. We particularly welcome applications from women and black and minority ethnic candidates as they are underrepresented within our organisation at this level, however applications from all sections of the community are welcome.
If you are interested in applying to be a member of our Inclusion Advisory Group, please complete the short application form (see below) and email with a covering letter to our Chairperson Pauline Fox or by post addressed:
Strictly Private & Confidential
Pauline Fox
Sussex County FA HQ
Culver Road
West Sussex
BN15 9AX
If you are passionate about football in Sussex, can inspire people at all levels to change and reward those who make grassroots football in Sussex such a success, then we would like to hear from you.
For more information please contact Football Development:
T: 01903 766855