International Clearance
Make sure your players are eligible to play...
International clearance is required by all players moving across borders to play football. It applies to all players of 10 years of age and over.
Please be vigilant when registering players. If you think they have played abroad they will need clearance back before they can play in England.
(The term "abroad" even applies to Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland)
Make sure you ask your players if they have played outside of England before you register them. If they have you will need to contact The FA Registrations Department. They will do their utmost to get the player cleared for you as soon as possible.
Please note: it is not always possible to get clearances immediately.
The FA has to deal with dozens of foreign Associations and sometimes the process is slow. Please also remember the time differences in some countries, especially America and Australia.
Registering for a Club
In accordance with FIFA Regulations, international clearance is required for any player over the age of 10 who is seeking to register for a club in England and has previously been registered for a club abroad (including the other Home Associations), or who is a foreign national seeking to register for the first time in this country.
If the player is under the age of 18, they are subject to the provisions of FIFA Article 19 (attached below).
International clearance is applicable at all levels of the game and further information on how to apply for international clearance for amateur players can be found below.
Amateur Adult Players
International clearance is applicable at all levels of the game.
It is the registering club’s responsibility to verify a player’s registration history in order to ascertain whether international clearance may be required.
Clubs and competitions operating near the borders between England and Wales/Scotland need to be particularly cautious - a player can only play football in one country (subject to international clearance) and cannot play football in two countries on different days, under any circumstances.
Further information and the application form can be found below.
International Clearance application form
Armature Players Under 18
Applications for players under the age of 18 must be applied for in accordance with FIFA Article 19, which states that the international movement of players is only permitted if the player is over the age of 18.
Further information and the application form can be found below.
International Clearance application form
Exchange Students
FIFA has provided clarification regarding individuals under the age of 18 (classed as a minor by FIFA) arriving into the UK as an exchange student and wishing to register for a football club in England.
The FIFA exception states the requirement that “the player is an exchange student undertaking an academic programme aboard."
FIFA require those players arriving as exchange students to fulfil certain criteria and submit relevant supporting documentation in order to be considered for clearance under this exception.
Further information and the application form can be found below.
International Clearance application form
Asylum Seekers and Refugees
FIFA has provided clarification regarding individuals arriving into the UK as asylum seekers or refugee sand wishing to register for a football Club in England.
In order for the player to be registered, special dispensation will need to be obtained from FIFA via The FA.
The Club will need to provide the following documentation to The FA who will then submit a claim for special dispensation to FIFA who will then adjudicate on a case by case basis before the decision will be relayed to the Club, via The FA.
Separate provisions apply for those under the age of 18, further information and the relevant application forms can be found below.
International Clearance application form
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