Board Profile

Richard Sargeant

Richard Sargeant

Richard sargeant


He / Him / His / Himself


From an early age Richard had a massive passion for football. He moved from Cambridgeshire to Sussex in 1989 and he played football for various local teams and eventually started refereeing. He is currently a Level 4 referee, officiating on Southern Combination Football League and Isthmian Football League.

He works for West Sussex Trading Standards Service as a Team Manager, ensuring consumers are protected and honest businesses supported. He has worked overseas in eight countries such as Egypt, Bosnia, Armenia and Lithuania, as a lead expert on consumer protection. He is very grateful for all the support from his family, friends and colleagues.

Richard is keen to make positive changes for the benefit for all those involved directly and indirectly with football in Sussex. As a referee, he has a good insight into football both adult and youth, at various levels, from club chairman and managers, to players and supporters, which he hopes to be able to input effectively with us.

As a director he has responsibilities for legal matters, leagues and refereeing and is happy to discuss ideas with anyone to improve these and any other footballing areas.