Board Profile

Charles Dudley

Charles Dudley

Charles Dudley


He / Him / His / Himself


Sport has always played an important part in Charles' life, particularly football and cricket. He started playing senior football and cricket in Hampshire at a very young age. After graduating with a politics degree at the University of Warwick (where he also played football), he worked for the Greater London Council Planning Department before moving to Sussex in 1976 to take up a position at the University of Sussex. As soon as he arrived he joined a local football team and played and managed at County League level for a number of years.

His role at the University was wide ranging including: campus master planning and estate development, the sport service, student housing, travel and transport, catering strategy, contracts and leases, childcare services and community engagement. He was also Chairman of the Falmer Alms-houses Trust. In recent years the demands of the role required him to step back from football other than being a spectator. He retired from the University in July 2017 and provided some consultancy until January 2018. He still retains an interest in education as a Governor of East Sussex College where he is the vice-chair of the Audit Committee and the Capital Development Board.

Charles continues his involvement with cricket by being a Lord’s Taverner, the national charity for cricket. He is a past Chairman of the East Sussex Region. Football-wise he supports both Arsenal and AFC Wimbledon, he also looks out for the results of Aldershot, Coventry City and Farnborough Town.

He was appointed as a Director of the Sussex County FA in 2018 and is passionate about giving something back to the game which has given him such pleasure and enjoyment over many years. A number of his closest friends he has met through being involved in football.