Jack Towers re-joins the team
We’re delighted to welcome Jack Towers back to his previous role of Marketing & Communications Officer for a two-month period.
Jack will be working alongside Darren Ford, in our Marketing and Communications department.
Jack left Sussex County FA in 2022 after three years, to become Communications Manager at Lewes and now re-joins the team for a short period.
His previous experience includes working in the media teams at both Clitheroe and Lancaster City and this summer worked as Social Media Coordinator at Bede’s School.
Following his re-appointment, Jack said: “It’s exciting to be back at Sussex County FA, even for a short period, to help them prepare for Awards Evening next month.
“I am looking forward to getting involved again with grassroots football in Sussex and it is great to be back.”
To get in-touch with Jack or the Marketing team please contact:
T: 01903 753547
E: Marketing@SussexFA.com